• All players are required to wear full seal goggles while on the field. Mesh eye protection is not allowed. Goggles must be ANZI+ rated

  • No profanity, hostility or racial intolerance will be allowed at any point on the property. Doomsday is a safe and fun environment

  • During an Emergency, please put your airsoft gun down and start yellow Blind Man. Everyone else will follow along and yell Blind Man until the issue has been tended too.

  • Barrel socks are required for all airsoft guns while not on the field. Also, Red Dead Rags are required.

  • Team Armbands are REQUIRED to be located somewhere on your arm. No other part of your body is allowed unless given permission.

  • CALL YOUR HITS. This is a game of integrity

  • No blind firing is allowed

  • You must be 5 feet away to shoot through cracks or holes smaller than 6”x6” or (the size of your head). If you can’t fit your head through it, don’t shoot through it. Any larger cracks are free game. You must also be 5 feet back to be able to shoot over fences.

  • No going within 40 yards of the enemies spawns. AKA No spawn camping

  • “Bang Bang Rule” - (Enforced) You must be within 10 feet of an individual. This is a rule that partners with integrity & respect. If both parties call bang bang out at same time, both are dead and return to spawn. Do not abuse this rule or you can personally be banned from using it.

  • No shooting or tampering with the string lights and props on the field

  • No shooting inside of the church in the woods. You may move through it.

  • No getting on the second story of any building unless the scenario directly allows you too.

  • Respect any off limit areas on the field that are detailed before each game

  • Homemade Pyro IS PROHIBITED. Only AFG-4’s and EG67’s are allowed at Doomsday.

  • AFG-4’s and EG67’s are not allowed to be used indoors, only outside or within a structure that is not enclosed with 4 walls and a roof. Grenades have a 10 foot kill radius. You are not within the radius if you are behind an object that is as tall as you are.

  • HPA regulators are not to be tampered with after chrono. If found tampering with your regulator, you will be rechronographed.

  • All airsoft guns will be chronographed before entering the field. The following FPS/Joules limits can be found below.

  • Aggressive Speed Soft style of airsoft is not allowed nor will be tolerated at Doomsday


  • All guns will be chronographed with .32g BBs. You can use whatever BBs you want while playing, but we chrono with .32g bbs to help prevent Joule creep.

  • The Highest BB Weight Allowed at Doomsday is .46g BBs

  • If your replica runs at 1.0j or less, it will fall under the War Rule which means no MED (Minimum Engagement Distance) on Semi Auto.

    - AEG / Rifleman

    1.49 Joules (Semi Only)

    •10 Foot minimum engagement distance

    •(No Binary Triggers or Feathering)

    - SMG / Shotgun / Pistols

    1.14 Joules (30 rounds per second limit)

    •No minimum engagement distance (Semi Auto)

    •10 foot minimum engagement distance (Full Auto)

    - LMG / SAW

    1.68 Joules (30 rounds per second)

    •75 foot minimum engagement distance

    •Full Auto Only

  • (Controlled 2 second burst)

    - DMR (Semi Locked)

    1.88 Joules

    •75 foot minimum engagement distance

    •(No Binary Triggers or Feathering)

    - Sniper (Bolt Action)

    2.61 Joules

    •120 foot minimum engagement distance

*Airsoft Pre Game Brief Notes*

1.) There will be only *1* Entrance and Exit into the pre game briefing area. This is to ensure players who were not present for the pre game brief do not join a game they do not know the rules of.

2.) The Game Master will signal 5 minute warning and last call to get into the briefing area before the gate closes. If you are not inside of the briefing area, you will have to wait until the next game to join. This is to ensure all players that are participating in the scenario have all rules and game information given to them.

3.) We ask you use the single entrance and exit of the the field. Please do not walk around barricades or nets as these are in place to also ensure safety of participants and non participants!

Field Rules


  • All players are required to wear full face seal masks while on the fields. Mesh eye protection is not allowed. Masks must be ANZI+ rated

  • No profanity, hostility or racial intolerance will be allowed at any point on the property. Doomsday is a safe and fun environment

  • Barrel socks are required for all paintball guns while not on the field

  • CALL YOUR HITS. This is a game of integrity

  • Gameplay will be rotated out every 10 minutes maximum between two 3 or 5 man teams if demand/staged players are present scrimmaging. A team can drill during their allotted 10 minute rotation window. Demand/staging will be split up between all fields on the property that have demand/staged players.

  • All paintball guns will be chronographed before entering the field. The following FPS/Joules limits can be found below.

  • Max Field FPS: 290 FPS

  • Max RPS: 10.3bps